Friday, April 13, 2007

Taking a Break in Bryant Park

Bronze scupture by the Spanish artist Manolo Valdés.


Gudl said...

That looks like a nice place to be!

Lori said...

Hi Gudl,
Yes it is very pleasant. Especially when it's warmer outside!

Olivier said...

LE BRYANT PARK, merci Lori pour ces photos, c'est comme si j'etais au Bryant Park. L'exposition a l'air tres belle, et le Bryant Park si enchanteur. Je te souhaite un bon weekend à te promener dans les jardins de NYC.

BRYANT PARK, thank you Lori for these photographs, it is as if I were in Bryant Park. The exposure has the air very beautiful, and Bryant Park if enchanter. I wish you a good weekend to walk you in the gardens of NYC.

Lori said...

Merci, Olivier. Bon weekend à toi aussi.

Gerald (SK14) said...

She certainly looks well wrapped-up in that coat
well-wrapped up in her reading too
shame about the jeans and sneakers