Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Macy's Flower Show Windows

Here are some of the windows from the flower show. (I wish I knew how to photograph them without so much reflection!)


Olivier said...

les vitrines sont superbes, avec les reflets les robes se noient dans les immeubles. vraiment tres belles et tres bonne idee de photos

the windows are superb, with the reflections the dresses drown in the buildings. really very beautiful and very good idea of photographs

Lori said...

Merci Olivier. Drowning in the buildings, that's a very good way to put it. :-)

Gudl said...

Interesting! Also the reflections in the window!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Greg C said...

Lori, I think the reflections are a wonderful part of the pictures. That is something that is normally missed I love the way photography captures what most of us would miss. Thanks again,
