Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mister Softee

Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm starting to see the "Mister Softee" ice cream trucks returning to the streets.

The chocolate dip cone is my personal favorite.


Gudl said...

Yummy!!! I LOVE ice cream, too!
We do not have soft ice cream trucks up here. And out here in the woods .... we have to buy our own ice cream (and we do...lots of it!)

Olivier said...

Humm comme il fait tres chaud, j'aurais bien envie d'une bonne glace. j'aime bien l'air de musique que joue les marchands de glaces, nostalgie nostalgie. es tu gourmande ?

Humm like it makes very hot, I would want well of a good ice. I like the air of music that plays the merchants of ices, nostalgia nostalgia. you are greedy?

Greg C said...

Now that would be a job I could handle. But then I may just eat up my profits. If I ever quit this job, I may just do that. I know where there is a truck for sale and no one does it around here anymore. Thanks for the photo's

Lori said...

Thanks everyone, you are so nice to look at my pictures.

Gudl, you definitely make up for lack of ice cream trucks with so many beautiful things where you are!

Olivier, oui, je suis une vrai gourmande. Je toujours mange trop. C’est difficile de passer par l’un de ces marchands sans acheter quelque chose!

Greg, it wouldn’t be a bad line of work! The guy in this truck looked happy.

isa said...

When we lived on Long Island, Carvel was the ice-cream of choice - do they still have them?

Lori said...

Hi Isabella,

I remember Carvel! I haven't seen one in a while. I hope they are still around. I'll have to keep my eyes open for one. Thanks for stopping by!

Priscilla said...

How fun! It looks like the chocolate ice cream on the truck is "melting"

Lori said...

Hi Priscilla,

That's funny, I thought the same thing!

Blue Wave 707 said...

Oh my gosh! I haven't seen (or heard) one of those trucks in years!!! Brings back some memories. Thanks Lori for posting a cool nostalgic photo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori - I realize this comment is late to the party but I just stumbled across your blog while doing some web research. Thaks to you and others for the kind words and picture.
Best regards,
Jim Conway
Mister Softee Inc.