Thursday, May 31, 2007

Concert on the Street

I saw these musicians the other day, but I walked by just as they were finishing their concert. Too bad because I liked their music. I hope I see them again some day!


Olivier said...

tres belle photo de ce concert dans la rue. c'est ce que j'aime à New York, quand tu te promenes, tu as souvent des concerts improvises et tres souvent les musiciens sont vraiment tres bon. Je me souviens d'un concert lyrique dans le metro NY, c'etait sublime, on aurait pu se croire à l'opera.

very beautiful photograph in this concert in the street. it is what I like in New York, when you walk, you often have concerts improvise and very often the musicians are really very good. I remember a lyric concert in the subway NY, it was sublime, one could have believed myself in the opera.

Nazzareno said...

How nice! The happiness is always in the small things, it must alone know to see it (and you have optimal eyes), and to pick it.:)

Manuel Tendero Gil said...

hola estupendas fotos enhorabuena un saludo

Gudl said...

They seem to be a nice group of guys! I like it when people use their talents! I hope you will be able to catch them again!

Greg C said...

That reminds me of some street musicians I heard in San Fransisco a long time ago. Thanks,


Bergson said...

Very sympatic these concerts in the open air It is the return of the

Wanda said...

I love street musicans. We have a lot of them when I visit San Francisco.