Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tiffany Window

This is a portion of a window by Louis Comfort Tiffany that I saw recently at the New York Historial Society. The New York Historical Society always has wonderful exhibits and this window is on permanent display there. Tiffany was an American artist who specialized in the decorative arts, but who was best known for his stained glass windows. (Unfortunately the window is behind a glass frame, so there is some glare in this photo. But I still love to see the colors in the glass.)


Dave said...

When I first saw the picture it looked like a rural scene with hills and valleys. It was only a moment later that I realised it was a glass window. I hope thats what the artist wanted.

Olivier said...

ce vitrail de Tiffany est très beau, on dirait une peinture.

Tiffany stained glass that is very beautiful, it looks like a painting.

Blue Wave 707 said...

Nice shot!

Isn't Tiffany also known for the stained glass lampshades too?

Hope you have a great time here in Hawai‘i!

Nazzareno said...

I knew Tiffany only for the lamps, but this landscape is particularly beautiful and suggestive....

Gudl said...

That's interesting! I never knew that there is a person 'Tiffany' behind the Tiffany lamps. I am so 'simple' to say the least ;-)
I didn't see the glare until you mentioned it ~!
nice art.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

This is an exquisite shot. The colors are beautiful. I have enjoyed getting caught up on your blog. I'm learning a lot. Thanks!

Janet Kincaid said...

Gorgeous! Tiffany glass and Lloyd-Wright windows are absolute treasures. Beautiful photograph of the former!

Greg C said...

had you not told me I wouldn't have seen the glare. I think it is lovely.

Wanda said...

Very beautiful, would love to have that window somewhere in my home.