Monday, June 9, 2008

Dunking Booth

It was so hot here yesterday (93 degrees!) that the kids were lined up at this old-fashioned dunking booth at a local school festival. The girl on the right threw a ball and when she hit the target that dunked the other girl into the tank. I was wanting to take a turn myself. Hopefully it's not so hot where you are!


Olivier said...

"(93 degrees!)" cela doit être invivable, je comprends que les enfants jouent avec l'eau.

"(93 degrees!)" It must be unbearable, I understand that children play with water.

Blue Wave 707 said...

We weren't getting 90s over the weekend in Honolulu, though mid to high 80s, it was quite warm.

Anonymous said...

23 deg C., humid, rainy season in Tokyo. Meh.

This picture looks very inviting, though!

Dan Allen said...

Yup -- it's hot and sweaty down here in Philly. We're having the same weather you are. That dunk tank looks pretty inviting!

Nazzareno said...

... all waiting for the miracle of the ...rain (also the child with the sweater of Ronaldo).

marley said...

Looks like a good way to cool down! Its hot here, but not that hot (thankfully!)

Thanks for asking about my dad. He came out of hospital on Saturday, and he only had the operation on thursday! He is doing very well, though he can't bend for six weeks! The pain he has had in his leg for years has gone, he is just sore from the surgery. So fingers crossed it has done the job :)

Martha said...

It's 92 in Rochester NY at the moment but I think it feels hotter! I'm happy to live close to The Lake even though it doesn't seem to be keeping things cool today. Tomorrow should be better.

Gudl said...

Dunking Booth is a nice idea in order to fight the heat!
I actually went to the lake today for the first time. We have 92 degr. today and the water was about mid 60!! Very refreshing!! ;-)

• Eliane • said...

I think they got the right idea. It was hot!!! On the bright side, the streets were not as packed as usual, which was relaxing in a way.

Sarah A. said...

I was in your city over the weekend! We about died from the heat and we are from AZ! So much humidity! Didn't stop me from loving it there. Can't wait to go back...