Here's one more shot from Atlantic City (I didn't take very many photos!) This is from a water show that they do in a shopping area in the pier there. It's a small show but it's very colorful. Water even came down from above! Looks like I didn't choose the right setting on my camera. Oh well it's the memory that counts!
Water shows are so beautiful. We saw a wonderful one at Disneyland many years ago, and one in Las Vegas that was stunning.
I love you pic ~~ but the naked eye sees things a camera can't get.
Someone mentioned Vegas in the other post comments too. This is what this picture reminds me as well.
Nice shot anyways! You got some of the water spouting ... :-)
cette fontaine de couleur est magnifique. je la trouve réussie ta photo.
this fountain of color is magnificent. I find your photo successful.
I actually think it is a great shot. You just have to click on the picture to get the whole effect.
This, and yesterday's photo, are great because they're a little mysterious. Sometimes, the "not so perfect" pictures end up being the best and this is certainly a good example!
Very colourful. Water and light shows are so cleverly put together. This looks like a good one.
I like your pictures. I've never been to NY City but its only six hours away. Have you caught up with the Bronx painter yet? He's out there somewhere...
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