Monday, June 18, 2007

Film Shoot at Grand Central

I was passing through Grand Central Terminal this weekend and happened by a film shoot. I think they were filming a commercial. (I don't know for what, but I'll have to keep my eyes open for it on TV!) I thought I'd share a few of the photos. Have a nice week!


Nazzareno said...

That beautiful! All those men with the hat to Borsalino! He seems an old film with Cary Grant.

John Roberts said...

Although the movie was supposed to be taking place in Chicago, that looks like the stairs that were used in a shoot-out scene from "The Untouchables" with Kevin Costner and Sean Connery. I wonder if it was filmed in NYC?

Gudl said...

That is pretty cool! I like the way the gentlemen look!

Greg C said...

Lovely shot, they have used that room in a lot of movies. I always wondered where it was. Thank you,

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

The first photo is awesome, Lori. That's going to be some commercial!

Olivier said...

NYC la ville des films, je voudrais bien savoir combien de films sont tournés dans NYC, cela doit etre tres impressionnant.

NYC the city of the films, I would like to know well how much films are made in NYC, that must be very impressive.

Bergson said...

the costumes make think of a film ganster

I hope that there no was shooting of machine-gun

GMG said...

Commercial or not, they look great with those hats and the picture is superb!

JAM said...

Cool photos. I've often wondered about things like this. If one lives in NY City where many movies and commercials are made, do they let people know ahead of time? Do they give "movie reports" in addition to traffic reports?

Lori said...

Hi all,

John I don't know where "The Untouchables" was filmed, but these guys reminded me of that era too.

JAM, that would be a good idea to have a movie shoot report. I wish they had something like that. (Maybe they do and I don't know about it!)

lv2scpbk said...

That would be fun to watch that. Nice shot on the first one. I like it.

Ming the Merciless said...

How exciting! Last year, around Thanksgiving, I saw a photo shoot for a commercial at GCS too. Two VERY HOT looking models in beautiful clothes were kissing non-stop for the cameras. Then the make-up artist came over and apply more make-up and the kissing and photography proceeded again.

It was funny because the models acted like they were so in love but as soon as the camera stops, they turn away from each other and the make-up people rush towards them.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

lucky u!!! u have never seen a shoot in real life...

Nabeel said...

oh cool .. i love the wardrobe in this scene .. must be a 50's movie .. awesome .. here in Chicago they are shooting two movies, one is Batman and the second one .. aaa, I think ti's wanted with Angelina Jolie