Monday, January 12, 2009

End of the Christmas Trees

Saturday morning I happened across one of the mulchfest gathering spots. Mulchfest is a program where you can bring your christmas trees to be turned into mulch to be used in the city parks. You can see a big pile of them in the background of the photo. They had quite a lot. I've never taken my tree before, but I will next year!


Olivier said...

voila, c'est la fin des fêtes, on range les sapins de noël. Ici on les brule, en fêtant les rois.

That's the end of the holidays, on range of Christmas trees. Here they are burning, celebrating kings.

Anonymous said...

Good to see this idea has taken hold in many places.

I wonder if they have ever had problems with some people bringing their artificial trees there for chipping? LOL!

Dave said...

redatipYes its a great idea, why waste them?

Blue Wave 707 said...

Recycling at its best!

Babzy.B said...

What a good idea ,recycling agin and again ;)

marley said...

Here you can take your tree to several Garden Centres where the council collect them from and shred them. Or you can leave them out on a monday for green recycling day collection. Its amazing what can be recycled!