Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rock Climbers

It was finally warm enough yesterday that there were even people out doing some rock climbing in Central Park (without shirts even!) There are quite a lot of rock formations in Central Park, even though most of them aren't that big.
The type of rock you can see here is called manhattan schist. According to what I read on,/ "although there are three major rock types underlying Manhattan Island, only one of them, Manhattan Schist, is exposed in Central Park. This is a layered rock in which mica-bearing bands alternate with layers composed primarily of quartz and feldspar."


Olivier said...

Je ne savais pas que l'on faisait de l'escalade à Central-Park, pourtant les rochers me semblent pas si haut que cela. Mais c'est vrai, qu'ils se passent tellement de chose à Central-Park.

I did not know that it was the escalation in Central Park, yet the rocks seem not so high as that. But it's true, they spend so much else in Central Park.

Nazzareno said...

scalar the mountains, to try him same, beautiful, but so difficult...

Dan Allen said...

Nice! I love that forsythia.

It's supposed to get up in the seventies down here in Philly today.

Blue Wave 707 said...

Looks like a decent climb for those who are into that. Glad to see the temperatures are warming up on the east coast.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Oohh this is right up my alley.....I used to be a climber....funny you post this photo when on my WW blog I put up a post about how much I missed doing it......
Totally reaffirms my desires to get back on the rock! Thanks, Lori.

marley said...

Well, I've learn't something new. I always wondered about those rocks.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

cool!!! or shall i say, hot ;DDD