The pretty fall flowers were briefly covered up this weekend with a coating of snow. The storm was certainly unusual for this time of year. But hopefully it will melt quickly and we'll continue on with some more fall-like weather. Happy Halloween! some say, the day of the month (29th) you get your first measurable snowfall is the number of days during the winter you will have a snow storm, i.e., 29 snow storms! Have a great week.
Close up, it looks like frosting on a cookie! Thirty to the miles to the northwest of the city, the storm was very severe with heavy damage to many trees, including my three large, 70+ year old Japanese Maples. Hope it was not a forecast of the winter to com!
I love to take pictures and am trying to learn about photography. I hope this blog will inspire me to take more photos of the world around me and become a better photographer. Thanks for visiting!
Is this the sgn of a hard winter?
so soon for snow :) some say, the day of the month (29th) you get your first measurable snowfall is the number of days during the winter you will have a snow storm, i.e., 29 snow storms! Have a great week.
Close up, it looks like frosting on a cookie! Thirty to the miles to the northwest of the city, the storm was very severe with heavy damage to many trees, including my three large, 70+ year old Japanese Maples. Hope it was not a forecast of the winter to com!
What a cool photo! :-)
Saw the piles of snow shoveled on the sidelines of the Dolphins / Giants football game on TV ...
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