This is a photo of the Palisades across the Hudson River from New York City. It really looks like a transition from fall to winter in this photo. This was after the snowstorm last weekend, but now the snow has melted and it looks like fall again.
The Plainsman
A spectacular photograph - Rarely has anyone seen the Palisades appearing like this. Great catch, Lori!
I love to take pictures and am trying to learn about photography. I hope this blog will inspire me to take more photos of the world around me and become a better photographer. Thanks for visiting!
A spectacular photograph - Rarely has anyone seen the Palisades appearing like this. Great catch, Lori!
une vue magnifique et ce melange de deux saisons j'adore. superbe photo
Way cool! Beautiful shot! :-)
The Palisades are gorgeous decked out for fall, and I thought they were lovely in September!
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