I saw this lineup of super heroes outside the Midtown Comics Grand Central store. Not knowing much about the super heroes myself, I don't really recognize any of them (except Super man and Wonder Woman!) but I thought it made for a colorful photo. Happy Monday!
I always seem to be able to pick Wonder Woman out in a crowd.
None of the guys wear skimpy outfits either. I just noticed that and,speaking for myself, that's the way it should be.
je reconnais aussi Batmann et Daredevil. Mais pas les autres, mais je ne suis pas très fort en super héros (sauf Amedée ;o))
I also recognize Batmann and Daredevil. But not others, but I'm not very good at superheroes (except Amedee)
Another is Batman!!
What a lineup!!
Nice job Lori...
Where are the superheroes when we need to knock off all thbad guys around the world.
I think at least one of them will be appearing very large in the parade on Thursday?
Cool photo. These are proper Hero's, not like those new ones it that lame series. It went down hill rapidly after the first season! Anyway...very colourful :)
I see Green Latern, I think.
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