I mentioned a while back that I had visited the newly opened Museum of Arts and Design at Columbus Circle in New York. Well, this is one example of a work they had on display. This is "Pyramid" by the artist Jill Townsley. I had to sneak this photo, so I didn't really capture the angles of the work very well, but you get the idea. This is completely made up of plastic spoons and rubber bands. I thought it was really cool, but you can tell me what you think of it!
If she's trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records good on her. If it's it's supposed to be art it leaves me cold.
waouhh...c'est surprenant et très original, j'aurais jamais devine ce que c'etait. ce ne devait pas être facile de trouver un angle pour la photo.
waouhh ... it is surprising and very original, I would have never guessed what it was. this should not be easy to find an angle for the photo.
Sometimes with art like this I can only admire the patience that the artist had in doing it.
I don't really feel what the artist would like to tell us ,but if at the end it can show us how plastic spoon are useless and bad for the Environment ,Art is a way to recycle them !
Pretty cool & pretty sneaky shot! I wonder how many boxes of spoons and rubber bands it took ...
How very cool! Great photograph.
An interesting acheivement and visual presentation, whether art or not. And I like your photograph of it as well, even if a "grab shot." My first thought was that someone must have spent much "non-productive" time in their office cubicle figuring out the basic spoon-band configuration! (But are they rubber bands or red twist ties, as it looks like there is a dark wire within them? The substantial weight of even the light plastic spoons might deform the lower bonds, if bands, causing a collapse.) I know, just enjoy!
I'm not sure whether to say cool or waste of time! It is very impressive but what makes a person think "I know, I'll build a pyramid out of plastic spoons and elastic bands!" What ever the why's and wherefore's it must have taken a lot of patience!
That is wicked cool!
Since I have sorted thousands of rubber bands for my son's Rubber band Gun Business..... I really relate to this art....
She has sorted more than me!!!!!
Great shot even it you had to sneak it....
Cool colors and lines. If you hadn't mentioned it was made of spoon, I would not have predicted that.
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