This statue of the goddess Minerva stands at the highest point in Brooklyn, overlooking New York Harbor. She is supposedly saluting the Statue of Liberty which you can see to the right in the photo. There was quite a lot of controversy in recent years over the construction of the building you can see in front of the statue. Afraid that the new building would obstruct Minervaʼs famous view, there was an outcry from neighborhood residents. Eventually there was an agreement that the building would be constructed in such as way as to not block the view from this famous statue. She really does have a nice view.
great shot ,I like the statues waving each others,i think the building should not have been constructed !(don(t know if my verb tense are correct ...sorry for my mistakes in english ,i'm still working on it ;)
It also looks like Minerva's hailing the residents of Brooklyn. Neat shot & angle!
You took a risk by avoiding the typical shot from the front, and it worked! A great example of what can evolve when you take the time to look your subject over from different angles before you press the button.
I like photos like this looking out over.
What a shame if that building had gone up as planned.
A great back story on the statue. And a great photograph to boot, really capturing the idea of her waving to the Statue of Liberty.
Pine cones in french are" pommes de pin" ;)
What a great shot with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Can we see the front of this statue please?
I love how you sometimes take a photo from a contray stance and I love this photo. It tells so much, more than any formal portrait of the statue could alone.
Glad they protected the view, at least partially, but two more stories should have been eliminated from the design; to compensate the owner, they could have allowed him to sell the rights to another developer to add somewhere else.
What a surprise, builders and planners sticking a building in the way!! At least it was resolved. I like the depth in this photo. Great job :)
Hello all, thanks for visiting. Babzy, thanks for answering my question! And Greg I don't think I took a picture of the front. I'll have to look!
What a great statue Minerva is!! I love the view she has.
The trees are lovely too.
i can never get enough of your city.....i am sure nor can you :)
totally love the way statues seem to be so friendly with each other despite the distance separating them!!! ;D
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