Since I mentioned the bakeries at the Chelsea Market yesterday, I thought I'd show some of the goods for sale. These looked delicious, though at $4.50 a cupcake, seemed rather expensive. I guess you just get one for a treat every now and then! (Wish it were a better photo, but you get the idea.) I think the Cookie Monster is my favorite!
I don't understand cupcakes. I just don't.
Those are fun but way too scary to eat.
I Googled Chelsea market and its a good website. Certainly an interesting place to wander through now and again.
Waouhh...ils sont adorables, je sais pas si j'oserais les manger...enfin si quand même ;o)). Très bonne idée de cette boulangerie.
Waouhh ... they are adorable, I do not know if I would eat ... whether still o)). Very good idea for the bakery.
It is obviously not the cupcake but the art work that costs $4.50 :) If it is the cupcake that you crave, strike a deal with the bakers to sell you one before it is decorated. If you promise never to disclose this to anyone, perhaps they will agree.
Muppet cupcakes ... looks too good to eat. And look at all that sugar!
My girlfriend came across a cookbook at Border's that was about artistic cupcakes.
Cookie monster is my favorite too. They look wonderful and I suppose if you are looking for a special gift for someone who is in need of absolutely nothing, they would make a great gift.
If you are just hungry for a cupcake, buy a cake mix.
Yowza, that is pricey! We went to a cupcake shop when I was in Atlanta and theirs were $2.50....now, I feel like I got a deal!
They are soooo cool! I've just bought a blue T-shirt with Cookie Monster on the front! Not sure what that says about me?!
• Eliane • does not understand cupcakes or possibly the cupcake mania that is sweeping the land? I think the latter, as cupcakes themselves were always cool when I was a kid. But we were lucky if we had them with some sprinkles or some shredded coconut on top! I wonder if the baker pays a royalty to the Muppetts people?
yummy artwork!
Cookie monster cupcakes. Yummy
oh these are cute :)
and I so agree with you on Galena's main street having a very European feel to it.......
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