One of the best things we did out west was visit the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, which was amazing!! This particular night they blew up the balloons and lit them up at dusk. It was gorgeous and these pictures really don't do it justice. I think I took 200 photos of just the balloons. If you are ever in the area during the fiesta I'd highly recommend you go!
Cool shots! Nice job in capturing the flames lighting the balloons!
That is on my "Bucket List"... I want to ride in a hot air balloon!!
Maybe for my 70th Birthday in a few years.
What do you think Lori, good idea?
Giant pumpkins floating in the night.
voila un sujet pour les photographes, tes photos sont superbes, en plus de nuit, c'est pas facile. bravo, cela devait ĂȘtre magnifique comme spectacle. On attend la suite.
This is a subject for photographers, your photos are superb, in addition to night is not easy. bravo, this should be as magnificent spectacle. We expect more.
If I am ever there for the fiesta, my family will make me go. They are all dying to take a balloon ride and I am sort of interested too.
I was once in Albuquerque for the balloon festival. As you may recall my oldest son was born there in late September. It was awesome to see the sky filled with hot air balloons, but needless to say, I saw them only from the sidewalk of my own apartment. Maybe some day I'll go back and meet Wanda there. :)
I like how you captured the twilight sky backlighting behind them especially in the upper photo, also the wisps of flame, more dramatic in the second.
In Warren County, Northwest NJ, they have a huge fesitival each year, one of the largest. You should go next year. Close to Rt. 80. Not New Mexico, but pretty area as well.
Beautiful! Hope you got to ride in one.
so cool that you got a wedding to attend in NM....I have been wanting to "do" santa fe for so long......and the rest of NM too ofcourse!!! show us more of NM :)))
How cool! I bet that was really impressive. Great photos.
Hi Lori! Sorry for the delay in coming here, but these last weeks have been hectic; no, I’m not talking about the financial/economic crisis… ;))
Did you ride the balloon? It's an amazing experience! Great western trip, it seems!
Meanwhile Blogtrotter is now on its 200th post: «The Libyan Sea»! Hope you enjoy! Have a great weekend!
Nice shots of the balloons. I got a chance to go up in one once and they flew over the stadium, so I have a few shots looking down on it.
Hello Lori,
Wow! Lovely lanterns and sunset. Did they perform the ride during the night or was it just an exhibition?
As Wanda said, ridding one of these balloons is on my "bucket list" too.
Recently, I was commenting on how cool I thought it would be to see a hot air balloon show, and Cody mentioned this one. I don't think I'll be out that way anytime soon, but I did come across a balloonfest going on about an hour away from where I live. It's in 2 weeks. I'm really excited after seeing these photos :o)
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