Continuing on the theme of bakers at work from last week...this time it's not at the Chelsea Market but at the Buttercup Cafe on West 72nd Street. They have lots of yummy treats there and some cute Halloween themed sweets. I guess this birthday cake was for a someone who loves the color purple. This guy was completely unfazed by all the people watching him work!
I like it when you can into the kitchens, its very reassuring.
beau portait de ce pâtissier (il est très concentré), et puis cela donne envie, son gâteau est superbe
wearing this beautiful pastry (it is highly concentrated), and then it gets its cake is superb
You do realize I am on a diet here. :) Love the bakery pictures but they are not helping. It's ok though. I enjoy the photos.
That's one beautiful cake!
Cake decorators are definitely artists in their own right.
Since I started my weight losing plan, I have stayed away from sweets.... now that I am on maintence... I get to have a special bite of sweets once and a while. It sure taste good!! I could have a "sliver" of that cake..OK?
Lori, you seem to be drawn to bakers...(he smiles)!
My husband would like to know if that is Buttercup decorating the cake.
I have been thinking about decorating cupcakes for my daughter in law's baby shower but I think too many guests have been invited. It would take forever.
Its not every day you see a purple cake!
:) it's the baking season .......everyone at work place seems to be bringing in home baked cookies/brownies/cakes etc........irresitible! :)
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