Friday, November 4, 2011

Lebow Statue

It's marathon weekend! They always move the statue of marathon founder Fred Lebow from it's usual spot at 90th Street and the East Drive in Central Park to the finish line of the marathon. There was an article about it in this week's Times. Enoy your weekend!


RinBlft said...

Enjoy and have a good run...should be a beautiful day, but may be a little warm...take care!!!! said...

Great post!
Its nice to remember people like Fred.
I really enjoyed the Times article too.

The Plainsman said...

A sweet tradition and a reminder how it is often the simplest of ideas that can transform a city of stone and steet into a village embracing all the best qualities of the human spirit.

Have a great day, Lori!

Blue Wave 707 said...

That's a cool memorial!

Hope you get some good marathon shots!