Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This is the clock atop the information booth at Grand Central. Here is what I found on Wikipedia: "the four-faced clock on top of the information booth is perhaps the most recognizable icon of Grand Central. Each of the four clock faces is made from opal, and both Sotheby's and Christie's have estimated the value to be between $10 million and $20 million. Within the marble and brass pagoda lies a "secret" door that conceals a spiral staircase leading to the lower level information booth."


Babzy.B said...

wow a great treasure , who says time is money ;)

Olivier said...

je savais pas la valeur estimé de cette superbe horloge, mais cela me semble normal, c'est un vrai bijoux et elle représente NYC dans l'imaginaire des touristes. Superbe..

The Plainsman said...

"Meet me at the clock," how many stories and movies have had that line? Your photo captures "him" standing proudly, as if saying "Look at me!"
Yes, I believe this clock is a "he," LOL!

dianasfaria.com said...

who'd have thought? !
Though it always did look grand.

Wanda said...

Do all four sides give the same time?

Very beautiful clock!