The Hotel Chelsea on 23rd Street is a place with a colorful history, which continues to today. Here is some information about the place excerpted from their website: The hotel has always been a center of artistic and bohemian activity and it houses artwork created by many of the artists who have visited. Owing to its long list of famous guests and residents, the hotel has an ornate history, both as a birth place of creative modern art and home of bad behavior. Bob Dylan composed songs while staying at the Chelsea, and poets Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso chose it as a place for philosophical and intellectual exchange. Other visitors and residents of the Chelsea Hotel include Eugene O’Neil, Thomas Wolfe, Janis Joplin, Leonard Cohen, Jimi Hendrix, and the Grateful Dead passed through the hotel's doors in the 1960s. Willem de Kooning, Jasper Johns and Arthur Miller stayed here too.
If you want to read more about it you can visit
I heard that the Chelsea was an artsy place ... cool shot.
This is a wonderful way of showing a very famous New York City institution. Much more impact than the countless tired exterior views that are in every guidebook.
A cliche, but if those walls could talk! I love the way you framed and composed the shot, the girl on the swing a counter to the figures at the desk; well balanced. An instant favorite of mine, can you tell?
l'hôtel du pop art, il est magnifique cet hôtel, merci de nous faire visiter l'intérieur
Hotel du pop art, this hotel is beautiful, thank you for visiting us inside
I love Leonard Cohen and i remember his beautiful song called " Chelsea Hotel" , thanks for the explanation and the shot , did you stay there ?
At a time i wish i could go there and meet this intersting people !!!
Now if I came to NY this is where I want to stay.
The Chelsea is an artsy cool place. You can learn more at www.chelseahotelblog.com
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