I wish I knew more about this building. I was imressed by all of the details at the top like the carved figures, the lightning bolts and the other finishes. I don't know what building it is, so if any can identify it, that would be great. (I think it's around 48th Street and Lexington Avenue in midtown.) I usually miss the details like this until I remember to look up!
It's the General Electric Building Lori. It's at Lex and 51st. I didn't know any of that, I had to look it up.
Thanks, itlooks an interesting and eccentric building.
wayne a été plus rapide que moi, il est vraiment très beau cet immeuble. belle photo et belle perspective.
wayne was faster than me, it really is this beautiful building. beautiful photo and beautiful perspective.
wow impressive !
Wonder how it was accepted at the time it was built? Will look up the next time I'm in that neighborhood!
Good job in capturing the intricate artwork!
That is a stunning building. Such amazing detail!
Hi Lori! Great shot; amazing details!!
Also loved to re-visit the Hotel Chelsea and the Ukrainian Institute...
Interested in Rajasthan? Blogtrotter has it! ;) Enjoy, comment and have a great weekend!
Lori, you just have an endless array of wonderful buildings and architecture....
It's wonderful!
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