I took this picture on a recent trip on the Staten Island Ferry. I'm not sure what it is, but I thought it made for a nice summer photo. There are lots of lighthouses on and around Staten Island, though I'm not sure if this one is on an island or if it's actually on New Jersey. Anyhow, maybe someone knows better than me. I love taking a ride on the Ferry in the summer time and enjoying being on the water.
il est beau ce phare, avec ce grand drapeau américain.
beautiful it is the lighthouse, with this great American flag.
Looks like a nice place for a picnic or relax.
Yes, it is a good summery photo. The Staten Island ferry was my top tip when I lasted visited NYC. Not only because of the views but also because its free!
They sky is so pretty.......it's been forever since I rode on a ferry!
Maybe an old lighthouse?
Hi Lori! Finally I found some time to enjoy your excellent blog…
That's a great summer picture, indeed. Sorry, I can't help finding out where the lighthouse is... ;(
The sticker window is amazing!
The flea market is a world to discover, and the Buddha looks great!
Always found a bit weird to throwd coins into water, but it seems people love it... ;))
The balloon was a great catch and the NYSE in lights looks much better outside than the stocks inside... ;))
Finally, I love the Natural History Museum, and the giant whale looks awesome!
Many thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, now at the second and last post on MoMA! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great week and a nice holiday, in case you have the chance to profit from it! ;))
that is a beautiful shot!
I looked online to see if I could find the lighthouse but didn't see it anywhere.
A good balanced composition and another inviting view. I do not recognize the lighthouse and have no charts nearby to check now.
I read about a new free small ferry ride from Pier 11 to Red Hook in Brooklyn, funded by the Swedish Dept. Store IKEA. One does not have to be a customer, but it seems on crowded weekends, store cutomers get first boarding on return trips! That trip should allow for some different angles on those reflective downtown buildings!
I have to second Jay there. The Ikea Water Taxi to Red Hook is one of the best deal in town. Great views!
I still have to go to Governors Island.
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