Though I don't have a big sweet tooth, I always enjoy browsing in the candy store Aji Ichiban in Chinatown. In addition to candy they sell all kinds of dried fruits and dried things you can't imagine would taste good (like dried olives, for instance). They let you sample the goods, which is always fun to do. After I took this shot, I noticed the big sign saying no photos. Oops! Oh well, at least I got one picture.
Amusing ... a Japanese candy store in Chinatown. The name "Aji Ichiban" means #1 Flavor.
Oh Lori, I'm glad you got the "forbidden" shot. I'm not much of a candy fan....but it looks really good and colorful.
BTW Lori thanks for your prayers for my daughter.
ils interdissent les photos dans les magasins de bonbons ? moi je trouve cela très graphique, avec toutes ces couleurs, bon je commencerais mon régime demain ;o)
they prohibit the photos in candy stores? I find it very graphically, with all these colors, good I start my diet tomorrow ;o)
Wonderful colors!
I'd call that a nice bit of "found art."
Gorgeous photo, that.
I like the brilliant colors. You seem to find such unique subjest to photograph... I love that!
Many stores are paranoid and fear losing trade sectets, displays being copied, (as if anyone needed a camera to do that). Others wish to protect their customers' privacy, which is a bit more understandable. Still, an overiding principal of good reatiling is publicity, free advertising. Your bright photo here would convince most to stop in the next time we pass and sample some of their wares.
You are funny!
Nice photo!
I love japanese candy....so yummy! I wonder what's the no photo deal.....I mean, what exactly do they think you are going to do?!?!
In Gatlinburg, TN a few weekends ago, I saw a number of stores who had a sign saying the same thing.....
Yummy! My favourite kind of post! Its always better to notice the No Photography sign after you've taken the photo!
Cool! Rice candy is my favorite Japanese candy. The Asian sweet I don't understand are salted plums.
And a Japanese shop in Chinatown? That's funny.
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