Another flower shot today...this time it is some flowers that I pass often in Riverside Park. We are so lucky to have so many green places in New York. We'd go crazy otherwise! I think these flowers are echinacea, though feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I love to see the flowers in summertime, as I'm sure most people do!
Aww, so pretty!! There's never enough flowers!. I think you are right and that the yellow ones behind might be rudbeckias.
belle lumiere sur les fleurs, encore plus de 'Flower Power' sur ton blog
beautiful light on the flowers, even more 'Flower Power' on your blog
Yeap, those are echaneacias.
I posted a photo of them a couple weeks ago.
I never knew NY was so green until I found your blog. You have changed my opinion of NY City.
Green spaces keep us going. Lets hope they don't get swallowed up by development. You're right about the flowers and Eliane is right about the yellow ones! Its a really colourful photo :)
I looked and thought "purple coneflower and black eyed susan". I get confused by the technical names but that is exactly what they are.
echinacea= purple coneflower and rudbeckias= black eyed susan
Yes, very pretty!
nature's little miracles are such a wonder to behold.
University Place florist
Lori, No one else spotted the bee at the flower! That is the extra touch that makes the photo so alive! Jay
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