I'm back from vacation and had a great time. I'd thought I'd show you a couple of the shots I took. (Just a few though, then it's back to New York photos.) Here is a photo of a surfer heading out at Ho'okipa Beach on Maui in the state of Hawaii. What a gorgeous place! This beach is one of the best places in the world for windsurfing and is the host to some major competitions. It's near the town of Paia, a very cool place. No, I didn't give the surfing a try, maybe next time! I will enjoy catching up on your recent photos!
tout cela pour nous faire rĂªver, merci et passe de bonne vacances
all this to make us dream, thank you and pass good holiday
I love the way you have caught the foam here.
This is so BLUE! How cool! I think it is great that you got to go to Hawaii! I was never there.
Great shot! And welcome back ;-)
Back to work!! lol
Looks great. I just got back from Myrtle Beach and have posted a few. Glad you enjoyed your vacation.
At first I thought this was of you trying to surf. :) I love the water. Glad you made it back ok. I have never been there but may want to some day.
Welcome back! Glad you had a fun time in this part of the country.
Cool shot!
Maybe your Hawai‘i shots should be a theme week? :-)
Welcome back! I love the colour of the sea and the way you've capured the sea spray.
Head to Cheltenham and check back to last week for my holiday photos from Greece :)
You really did go on vacation!
The water is beautoful!
I thought you were the one in the picture...
The photo is great!!
Glad you're home safe and sound.
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